Rules And Regulation:

Parents / guardians mmust ensure their child/ward attendance in the institute seriously.Any absentee from the school can effect a child's education. In case of any absentee due to sickness or other reasons, the school must be informed well on time by a phone or call personal parent parent/guardian's visit.

  1. Students who remain absent continously for three days without informing the school will be struck off.

  2. Sick leave for more than three days will be sanctioned on medical report.

  3. Students who are not granted leave and remain absent, will be fined Rs. 20 per day. If the absence is more than three days in a month then the sum of fine will be Rs. 30 per day.

  4. In case of re-admission Rs. 1000 will be charged from the struck off students.
  5. If any Student of the college was struck off for second time, his admission will be cancelled permanently and no leniency will be shown in this regard.

  6. In the case of taking long leave for (a month or more) full tuition fee will be charged or the student will have to compensate Rs. 5000/-as re-admission fee.